Archives & Categories
What does the suspension of vaccine mandates for federal employees mean for your business?20220809184051
Ontario Court of Appeal decision Rhaman v Cannon Design Architecture: How employment agreements are written can leave employers with costly consequences20220715152155
Before you hire your next employees, make sure you consider these basic employment law factors20220616023252
My employee has refused to return to the office. What can I do?20220610125414
Understanding Workplace Harassment Investigations: When they are necessary and when they are not20220420120547
Employer Update: Creating a “Disconnecting from Work” Policy20220416110844
As an employer, should I remove all mask and vaccine mandates?20220412222628
How much notice should I give to my employees for coming back to the office?20220321123904
COVID-19 vaccination policies are being tested. Conflicting decisions create uncertainty for employers.20220218165131
Question: I need to lay someone off due to a vaccine mandate. How do I avoid being sued?20220207221340