Eight things employers ignore at their peril!20191205001612
Weed and the Workplace20181205160327
“You are not a good fit for us” – expert evidence and systemic discrimination in the workplace20170920002420
Uber and Toronto Dominion : How Toxic Culture Can Cost Billions20170330234151
“Should I stay or should I go?” – and other mitigation questions20160504011200
Taking a Closer Look at Human Rights Commission Policy Directives20150529112521
“Canadian experience required”: prohibited discrimination or being discriminating about standards?20130815110738
“Will work for free!”: employers, beware of offers of free work by unpaid interns20130712120237
Universities accommodation of anxiety disorder20120610123519
Doing business in Canada: some key differences in employment and labo(u)r law in Canada and U.S.20120522122923