Dufault updates: CA dismisses appeal, employer seeks leave to appeal, and confirmation of Dufault approach in Baker20250219180240
Put on temporary layoff due to tariffs? Here’s why you should act now20250131102405
Navigating the Changing Workplace in 2025: Top Employment Law Developments From 2024 Explained20250115180801
Navigating the Legal Landscape of Remote Work: A Guide for Ontario Employers20250109121756
Am I entitled to any pay if my employer cancels my shift last minute? (The Globe and Mail)20241212113124
The Cost of unreasonable claims and behaviour against Your Employer20241212112748
Does your employer have to accommodate you if you need to take care of family members?20241209134040
Performance Improvement Plan: Is It Just A Cover-up for Termination?20241128231826
Investigate now: Discrimination Claims in the Workplace20241114104112
What is “fresh consideration” and why you should maintain a healthy skepticism about signing new employment contracts20241001224457
Review employment contracts regularly or risk incurring extra costs – written by Lai King Hum (HR Law Canada)20240826143916
My manager verbally agreed to make my role fully remote. Will that hold up with a new hybrid policy? (The Globe and Mail)20240821141532
I got fired. My employer wants me to sign a termination letter. Do I have to sign anything right away?20240812165506
Secretly recording calls: is it a risk worth taking?20240724120229
Review employment contracts regularly or risk incurring extra costs20240611161338
Top 10 errors employers make20240320145739
Your employer can’t bully you! How courts are recognizing mistreatment of employees in damages awards20240312120106
I haven’t been scheduled for a shift in three weeks. Would I qualify for EI? (The Globe and Mail)20240308113247
The cost of callousness in the world of social media20240213145203
Navigating Human Rights and Accommodation in Ontario’s Workplace20240207205816
Executive Compensation in Wrongful Termination Cases: Is Everything Negotiable, Including Contractual Benefits?20240125103437
The Workplace Legal Barometer: A look back at key 2023 developments and what to expect through 202420240125101710
Anticipating Employment Law 2024: Key Developments from 2023 for Employers to Watch Out For20240117113348
Upcoming Changes to the Canada Labour Code: What Employers Need to Know about Termination, Layoff, and Dismissal20240109000043
Workplace Investigations: Best Practices in Mining (Canadian Mining Magazine)20231230144443
You’ve Been Terminated. Now What?20231212160652
Businesses Beware: $600,000 in damages and other costly mistakes in fixed-term contracts20231210122717
Tax Alert on Employment Dispute Settlement20231205114700
Executive Compensation in Wrongful Termination Cases: Is Everything Negotiable, Including Contractual Benefits?20231128120832
Ontario is Considering a New Regulation to Address Heat Stress during Extremely Hot Weather20231114153353
What are the standards that employers are responsible for when it comes to harassment?20231012151332
Junkang Yang has been called to the bar in Ontario and will join Hum Law’s growing team as an associate20230803181938
What to Do When Your Employment Contract Doesn’t Reflect Your Actual Job Duties20230802122547
Hum Law has been selected as an Excellence Awardee in the annual Canadian HR Awards20230720160111
Changing an employee’s job duties without updating their employee contracts can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars20230627163243
How to respond to a Ministry of Labour investigation20230511160831
Costs of playing hardball: Is terminating an employee worth $150,000?20230418130644
Lessons from Lisa LaFlamme, echoes from Julie Payette, and the perils of a toxic workplace20230307115232
Top 7 employment law issues that will affect Ontario employers in 202320230118115949
If IDEL has ended, you have been constructively dismissed20221018135406
Constructive Dismissal: The cost of not moving forward immediately20220930141706
How employers can manage the fallout of the end of IDEL20220927142454
Ontario Electronic Monitoring Policy Due by October 11, 202220220920214359
Workplace Investigations: What employers need to know when there is a workplace harassment or discrimination incident20220902171150
Question: My child has been getting sick and frequently has to stay home from school. My employer told me that I could not miss any more work, but I have to be home to care for my child. Can my employer fire me?20220822205248
What does the suspension of vaccine mandates for federal employees mean for your business?20220809184051
Bell Guilty of Reckless Termination: Have you been “recklessly” fired? Here is how you can prove discrimination.20220808090030
Ontario Court of Appeal decision Rhaman v Cannon Design Architecture: How employment agreements are written can leave employers with costly consequences20220715152155
I was terminated without cause. What is the difference between common law reasonable notice and termination and severance pay under Ontario’s Employment Standards Act?20220712173344
Before you hire your next employees, make sure you consider these basic employment law factors20220616023252
My employee has refused to return to the office. What can I do?20220610125414
I have been laid off or on IDEL (unpaid leave) since the initial wave of COVID-19 in March 2020. What should I do next?20220502121545
Question: My employer is removing the mandates at work, and I don’t want to go back into the office because I don’t feel safe. What are my rights?20220501120403
Understanding Workplace Harassment Investigations: When they are necessary and when they are not20220420120547
Employer Update: Creating a “Disconnecting from Work” Policy20220416110844
As an employer, should I remove all mask and vaccine mandates?20220412222628
How much notice should I give to my employees for coming back to the office?20220321123904
Question: I got my vaccination late. I was fired anyway. What are my rights?20220302184636
COVID-19 vaccination policies are being tested. Conflicting decisions create uncertainty for employers.20220218165131
Question: I need to lay someone off due to a vaccine mandate. How do I avoid being sued?20220207221340
My employer has placed me on indefinite unpaid leave and threatened to fire me without a severance package because I won’t get vaccinated. Can my employer do this?20220126000329
Justin Trudeau’s vaccine promise that wasn’t made to be kept (The Globe and Mail)20220121223317
Scores of unvaccinated workers are filing wrongful dismissal claims against employers, lawyers say (The Globe and Mail)20220114133342
Bill 27, Working for Workers Act, 2021 received Royal Assent. Here are detailed next steps for employers20220104013014
Bill 27, Working for Workers Act, 2021: What employers need to know20211208162133
Question: My employer has placed me on unpaid leave because I did not get a COVID-19 vaccination. What next?20211120125934
Question: I have the required proof for a vaccine exemption, but my employer denied my request. What can I do if I cannot get the vaccine and my employer has a mandatory vaccination policy?20211112143247
What happens if I refuse to comply with my employer’s mandatory vaccination policy? Two Questions Answered20211110134636
Question: My employer has given me a mandatory vaccination notice stating that if I do not get vaccinated, they will terminate my employment without severance or termination pay. What are my legal rights?20211104113856
Employers have a duty to accommodate employees for certain COVID-19 related issues: Key things employers should know as the economy reopens20211028000044
In the Era of COVID, working from home is here to stay: Do you have a remote work policy in place?20211025214732
Covid-19 Vaccine Passports in the Workplace: Enforcement and Employer Responsibilities20211005222002
Ontario Human Rights Commission policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates20210922185023
Laid-off or fired during COVID-19 in Ontario? Temporary layoffs may actually be constructive dismissal.20210827170441
Question: Can my employer force me to get the COVID-19 vaccine?20210727114009
Severance Pay and EI Benefits: What employees need to know about temporary COVID measures20210625224807
Question: I keep having to miss work because my kids have to quarantine from school due to possible COVID-19 exposure. My boss threatened to fire me because of it. Is that legal?20210601165743
Constructive dismissal: COVID rules keep changing… Are you sure you haven’t been fired?20210527005604
Hum Law Introduces Closed Captions for all Meetings as an Essential Service20210119113350
Can I refuse to work to home school my kids to avoid them going back to school?20200914131107
Ontario Government announces new regulations to protect employees and employers during COVID-1920200601143116
Lai-King Hum Nominated for RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards 201920190615002334
Lai King Hum speaks at the LSSA of Concordia University’s Alumni Judge and Lawyer Panel20190208171639
Please note: The articles here provide only an overview and do not constitute legal advice. Do not make any decisions based on reading any of these articles alone. Specific legal advice suited to the reader is strongly advised.