What does the suspension of vaccine mandates for federal employees mean for your business?20220809184051
What happens with employer vaccine and pandemic policies now that the mandates are being lifted?20220316012339
Question: I need to lay someone off due to a vaccine mandate. How do I avoid being sued?20220207221340
Question: My employer has placed me on unpaid leave because I did not get a COVID-19 vaccination. What next?20211120125934
Question: I have the required proof for a vaccine exemption, but my employer denied my request. What can I do if I cannot get the vaccine and my employer has a mandatory vaccination policy?20211112143247
What happens if I refuse to comply with my employer’s mandatory vaccination policy? Two Questions Answered20211110134636
Question: My employer has given me a mandatory vaccination notice stating that if I do not get vaccinated, they will terminate my employment without severance or termination pay. What are my legal rights?20211104113856