Archives & Categories
Employers have a duty to accommodate employees for certain COVID-19 related issues: Key things employers should know as the economy reopens20211028000044
Question: Can my employer force me to get the COVID-19 vaccine?20210727114009
Employers can require employees to become fully vaccinated against COVID-1920210620115548
Question: I keep having to miss work because my kids have to quarantine from school due to possible COVID-19 exposure. My boss threatened to fire me because of it. Is that legal?20210601165743
What do the new Ontario-wide shutdown and zero-tolerance COVID-19 inspections mean for employers?20210419105448
Can Employers Require Employees to Get the COVID Vaccine?20210321155716
Can Employers force Covid-19 vaccination on Employees?20210307205907
What Ontario’s state of emergency and stay-at-home order means for businesses during COVID-1920210125115116
Globe Careers’ Leadership Lab: How the shifting face of leadership is changing employment law20200618174837
How to Conduct Harassment or Discrimination Investigation20200420180720